How can I make an appointment?
You can call or send an email to connect and book an appointment with me.
Is Dr. Thuy Tran accepting new patients?
What are common reasons for patients to see Dr. Tran?
Dr. Tran frequently sees patients for ADHD screening and treatment, general consultation, acute Illness.
Does Dr. Tran accept my insurance?
Dr. Tran does not accept insurance and is considered Out-of-network. She can provide receipts for you to claim reimbursement with your insurance.
What practice does Dr. Tran work with?
Dr. Tran has her own practice and does not work with another provider at this time.
What languages does Dr. Tran speak?
Dr. Thuy Tran speaks English and Vietnamese
How do patients rate Dr. Tran in reviews?
Dr. Tran has received several high reviews on zocdoc, and google.