Do you frequently misplace your keys, forget to turn off the stoves, have difficulty maintaining relationship, or find it hard to complete tasks at work and at home? You might have someone close to you suggest that you may have ADHD. Whatever the case may be, obtaining a proper diagnosis of ADHD is the first step towards getting treatment. Understanding and gaining control over symptoms that impact your personal and professional life is a transformative experience.

Receiving a diagnosis of ADHD can be empowering as it offers an explanation for your past experiences. Treatment for ADHD can include lifestyle changes, medication, therapy, coaching, and often includes more than one component to have a more successful impact.

For medical consultations, I am licensed in California and see adults (age 18 and over) residing in California.

For coaching, I see clients at various stages of life (adults and children) anywhere.


Who do I work with?

As an internal medicine physician, I provide virtual assessment and personalized treatment for clients with uncomplicated ADHD and meet the following criteria:

  • Clients suspected they may have ADHD but have not been diagnosed with ADHD before.

  • Clients have had an ADHD diagnosis but might not have taken medication for it and are noticing the impact on their work and/or personal life.

  • Clients have a current ADHD diagnosis with another practice, but would like to explore switching over to a different provider. 

  • If clients are on a stimulant medication, they need to be taking a dosage of no more than 60mg/day. 

  • Clients who are seeking ADHD or life coaching.

Who should seek care from a psychiatrist to treat their ADHD?

Via telemedicine platform, I am NOT able to provide screening and treatment for ADHD for clients who have a complex history and meet any of the following criteria:

  • Clients require a controlled stimulant dosage of over 60mg/day

  • Clients are regularly taking benzodiazepines (such as Ativan, Valium, Klonopin or Xanax)

  • Clients are regularly taking opioids/narcotics

  • Clients have a more complex mental health history that may require psychiatric expertise in order to provide a safe treatment plan (this can include history of hospitalizations related to mental health, and/or have a history of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance use disorder, or on a complex medication regimen including lamotrigine or lamictal)

  • Clients have a history of traumatic brain trauma or seizure disorder

  • Clients have a history of heart disease (such as arrhythmia (irregular heart rate), atrial fibrillation, heart valve disease, congenital heart disease, hypertension)

  • Clients are on testosterone replacement therapy

  • Clients are taking another stimulant

  • Clients are seeking extensive neuropsychological evaluation that is needed for school’s accommodation.

  • I can provide medical consultation for urgent illnesses and ADHD life coaching for these above clients.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call me at 415.857.1283.